

“Fürther Glanzlichter“

During the 3rd Fürther Glanzlichter on November 14th a large projection of my film installation “this is how I wash my hands in Innocence” is shown.

The Fürth highlights form the beginning of a series in which I by means of various film adaptations with the topic of the takeover or or denial of responsibility.
The central element of these and the following film edits are Film sequences of the mixed media installation of the same name from the Exhibition project

In Fürth, film processing revolves around the topic of plastic wrapping of our Waters and seas through us humans.

More information under:

#ZEROWASTEART is an interactive art exhibition.

Its purpose is reaching the goal of a broad segment of the population and
raising awareness. The exhibition takes place in the largest trainstations in
Start in 2019

for more informations visit: ZeroWasteArt

openup 6

Hermann J Kassel
“Mehr als Einweg”
An exhibition at the Kunstverein Gelsenkirchen in the Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen.
2. Juni – 31. Aug. 2019

Schlosspark Stammheim Kunst 2019

An exhibition in Cologne Stammheim 2019/20


An exhibition art form Seligenstadt


Since 2016, in the exhibition project #deineWürde, which is a permanent project that changes and expands in the process, I have been working on the topic of dignity and its vulnerability through us humans using the methods of the visual arts.
Beginning in 2016

for more informations visit: #deineWürde

“take part in art”©-Intervention of the “[email protected]”, 16.03.2015, Kloster Eberbach, Eltville

for more informations visit: “take part in art”© 

“take part in art”©-Intervention of the international "Bosch Diesel Systems CSR Network Conference" Robert Bosch GmbH – 22.11.2014

Design and Realization of the German Speakers Global Award 2014
“I am listening” 
his Holiness, the 14.th Dalai Lama

Photo: Manuel Bauer

for more Information visit: German Speakers Global Award 2014

“take part in art”©-Intervention anlässlich der Petersberger Trainertage, 4./5. April 2014

for more information visit:
Petersberger Trainertage
Keynote Ptersberger Trainertage

“take part in art”©-Workshop für Ritter Sport, September 2013 

“Kunst im Fluss”, Gemünd, June 2013

“Lessenich PrivArt”, June 2013

“take part in art”©-Workshop, BMBF Berlin, 17./18. June 2013

Photo: Secretary of State Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, Hermann J Kassel

for more information visit: take part in art

“take part in art”©-Workshop, at DGFP e.V. annual congress, Frankfurt, 13./14.
May 2013

for more information visit:
take part in art

Light-Installation, March 2013

“so wasche ich meine Hände in Unschuld” 

mixed-media-installation, Kartäuserkirche Cologne, March 2013

Milan Sladek, Kartäuserkirche Cologne,  Marc 2013

“ars liturgica” Competition, Essen, Febr. 2013

for more information visit: Lenten veil “light disguised”

“take part in art”©-Workshop at Miltenyi Biotec´s global export meeting in Febr. 2013

for more information visit: take part in art

annual edition 2012 " und du ? "

more Informations annual edition 2012

“take part in art”-Workshop at GETRAG International Operations Mangers´ Conference in june 2012

more informations “take part in art”©

Cross for Cath. Mediahouse, Bonn

more informations   Cross for the Cath. Mediahouse Bonn

“take part in art”-Workshop BMBF

Creative intervention commisioned by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of their program at the annual “Local Learning” conference in Berlin in December 2011

more informations “take part in art”©

Photos by Sven Hobbiesiefken

Exhibition Hermann J Kassel “Kera-Miken” at Gallery Idelmann, Gelsenkirchen

more Informations “Kera-Miken”

After the opening on Juli 1st, I would like to present you a film
about the exhibition Hermann J Kassel “Kera-Miken” :
TV EmscherLippe
Hermann J Kassel „Kera-Miken“, Galerie Idelmann, Gelsenkirchen
July 01 – September 04, 2011