Sir Peter Ustinov Stiftung 2010
Land of Blueberries 2010
Blue Magic Dream Ships – workshop with Hermann J Kassel
Ruhr Art Festival for Children “Blueberry Land”
Assisted by: Annette Volk
The Blue Magic Dream Ships are made of wood, string and paint. Wood, because that’s the material that has always been used to build ships – all over the world. And ships because they transport (people and things). These little ships transport something too: each child’s individual world of dreams, ideas and wishes. Each of them will create her/his own ship. The squared timber will be cut to have the same length as the children themselves. They will then paint their “ships” to transport their own world of ideas. The ships will then be launched on the lake. Here, we will try out different combinations and fleet. After the workshop children can take their ships home. And they can bring them along for future happenings in Blueberry Land. They can be used in various ways in the sceneries of their plays and games. New combinations create new associations. Single elements create new images. Every child with his/her ship transports individuality and becomes a part of a common aim. Communities gain from individualism.