Robert Bosch GmbH, Homburg
“I am precious“
“take part in art“© with 30 Bosch Junior Managers of Robert Bosch GmbH
“How do we create appreciation?“
A workshop of several days for Bosch junior managers at the factory in Homburg focussed on the exploration of company values and company culture. Taking a deeper look at respect, esteem and values is an essential part of junior managers‘ training at Bosch.
Hermann J Kassel used his rubber-stamp edition “ich bin wertvoll“© (“I am precious“) in this “take part in art“© workshop to make participants aware of how appreciation develops. Junior managers were introduced to the edition by stamping “ich bin wertvoll ©“ on the back of their hands (part 1). Every form of appreciation begins with self-appreciation. Someone who says he is precious has to accept the responsibility for everything he is and does – instead of delegating it to others. When I declare and accept myself as being precious, I will come to understand and observe the responsibility and opportunities I have to create appreciation.
Equipped with stamps and cameras, junior managers then went to the company‘s production area and started communicating with employees there by asking them if they would have the backs of their hands stamped, too. Although they had had a guided tour of the factory the day before, they did not really have contact with the people working there. This now changed because workshop participants had to deal with various reactions and conversations. They took photos of their meetings in the production area (part 2).
After about three hours of studying the development of appreciation in this direct and communicative way, junior managers returned quite inspired and activated. When they finally presented their results to two other groups of workshop participants, they had come to understand and appreciate the new and unsual experience they had made (part 3).
A series of photos showing “I am precious“ stamps on the backs of employees‘ hands and some individual reports are the long-term results of the workshop. Employees also discussed the workshop and its results on the company‘s intranet (part 4).
Every junior manager kept a rubber-stamp and will be reminded of the development of appreciation everytime they use the stamp.